Due to the special PowerReviews-Tempur Sealy partnership, you can start generating ratings and reviews at a heavily discounted rate now. Package also includes syndication of genuine Ratings & Reviews already captured by Tempur Sealy brands on other websites.
As part of the package, you can import Ratings & Reviews already captured by Tempur Sealy brands and display these on your website. Ongoing syndication then results in a constant stream of new Ratings and Reviews content being added.
Due to PowerReviews’ partnership with Tempur Sealy and your status as a preferred Tempur Sealy retailer, we are able to offer you heavily discounted pricing in comparison to our normal typical rate card costs.
Who is PowerReviews?
PowerReviews (PowerReviews.com) is a conversion-first UGC vendor obsessed with helping brands and retailers grow their businesses. PowerReviews enables these organizations to generate better quality customer product ratings and reviews in larger volumes and then analyze and benchmark all this data to optimize their UGC programs for conversion, while improving product quality and customer experience.