Where Gen Z Shops for Groceries
There’s no doubt online grocery shopping is growing among Gen Z’ers. But brick-and-mortar grocery is still alive and well.
Gen Z’s Online Grocery Shopping Habits
Gen Z’ers shop for groceries online for myriad reasons. But they’re not always defaulting to their tried-and-true products.
The Influence of Ratings and Reviews on Gen Z’s Online Grocery Shopping Behavior
Gen Z consults ratings and reviews across just about every product and service category. Grocery is no exception.
The Value of Other Types of User-Generated Content for Online Grocery Shoppers
Increasingly, Gen Z’ers depend on other types of UGC to make informed grocery purchases.
Gen Z’s In-Store Grocery Shopping Habits
The majority of Gen Z’ers continue to purchase at least a portion of their groceries in brick-and-mortar stores. Oftentimes, they reach for their phones while navigating the store aisles.
The Impact of Reviews on In-Store Grocery Shopping
Gen Z’ers want access to ratings and reviews when shopping in brick-and-mortar grocery stores. And, the presence of this content can positively impact purchase behavior.