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Contact UsYou will receive account credentials and upload your product and review data.
We will reach out to you shortly to finalize your syndication agreement.
After receiving all required data, it typically takes 14 business days to display your content on retailer sites if you’re starting review content syndication for the first time.
Syndication through the Open Network shares your brand’s review content to retailers’ sites to drive more sales. Innovative technology has simplified the whole process in just 2 steps.
Your brands’ product data is matched with retailers’ product data that are a part of the Open Network. Because brands and retailers use different product names, numbers and codes, the process is complex.
With our AI-powered Product Knowledge Graph automatically matching on UPC, brands see 79% more products matched than other providers.
Once products are matched to retailers’ sites in the Open Network, those product matches are then shared to the retailers for display onto their sites.
The original review collection location is a requirement to appear on a retailer’s site. Brands must include their name or a logo and can also link to their brand’s site.
It typically takes 14 business days to display your content on retailer sites if you’re starting review content syndication for the first time.
If you’re already syndicating review content to retailers in the Open Network, it takes 3-5 business days to display your content.
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